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Where Do House Geckos Hide?

Are you wondering where house Geckos may hide out in your house? Well, this is something many people consider or wonder. Let me help you and provide some answers.

Where Do House Geckos Hide? You can typically find house geckos hiding in houses that have insect infestations. Often hide in crevices, under sinks, behind cupboards, bookshelves, etc. Wherever you can find insects such as cockroaches or bed bugs, you will find them.

Now you know where they can hide out, let us look at a few more places they may hide, why some people like them in their house, what damage they can cause in your house and more.

What is the house gecko?

House Geckos (Hemidactylus Frenatus) are found in Southern Asia. Also known as:

  • Pacific House Gecko
  • Asian House Gecko
  • House Lizards
  • Moon Lizard

Are Common House Geckos Regarded as Pests?

Some people say yes for the following reasons:

  • Leave a lot of feces in their house
  • Cause disruptions with electronic devices (such as air conditioning systems – more on this later)
  • Making weird noises in the night.
  • Lay eggs in weird places (like light fittings – more on this later)

Other people say that they are an asset because:

  • They help with pest control
  • Eat a large number of unwanted house insects

One thing I would say, regarding pest control, they are not perfect for this. The reality is, they can only eat so much before they get full, and insects multiply a fast rate.

Where do house geckos lay their eggs?

Before I explain where they lay their eggs, let me say one thing. It’s important to control the number of common house lizards in your house. If not you may start by trying to battle an infect infestation, and then left with dealing with a lizard problem, are you with me?

The best way to control this is to find out where they lay their eggs. I’m going to explain some common places where you can find them.

Here are the common areas:

  • Basements
  • Behind Cabinets & sinks
  • Hidden behind bookshelves

Hiding in the Basement

Basements are perfect because they are very dark, plenty of places to hide and usually damp. Perfect for them to lay their eggs.

You can expect a female lizard to lay up to 20 eggs per batch. In the mating season, you can expect two or three batches of this size.

Cabinets and sinks

Cabinets and sinks are ideal to lay their eggs. Sinks, in particular, are always in the vicinity of flowing water, meaning that there is usually a level of moisture within this location. In addition to this, it’s usually dark. Another perfect location for them to lay their eggs.

Behind bookshelves

This is another ideal location for them. They are typically in areas of the house which do not have much activity. Meaning that the eggs are safe and not likely to be disturbed by anyone. This is why it’s a good idea to look out for these places.

What damage can a house gecko do while it is hiding in your home?

You can expect a number of different issues with a gecko (are they similar to Bibron’s Geckos? click here) rampant in your house. One common issue is with them getting caught behind electrical devices.

For example, especially in hot countries, an air conditioning unit. Problem is, they tend to get caught, trapped and die from electrocution. Typically leads to the electrical device malfunctioning and high repair costs.

Can you just get rid of house geckos if they invade your house?

This largely depends on what country or state you live in. For example, if you live in Australia, then you cannot just try to eradicate these lizards. Why? because technically they are protected. Meaning that you could get into some serious trouble if you try and take the law into your own hands.

Therefore, the best way to do this, in these areas and stay within the law is to try a different angle. Instead, you can try to get rid of their food sources instead.

The best way to do this is to eradicate the insects and bugs that they usually come to your house to feed on. So, you need to deal with the root cause of the problem, are you with me?

Related questions:

Q: Do geckos fight?

Yes, they will fight. Especially if they find a very good location with food. Adult geckos will fight over territory without hesitation.

The male Gecko, in particular, can be quite fierce. Especially around the breeding season. During this time they compete for the attention of females.

They make a very distinctive “chuck chuck” sound. Which is an indication of them stamping their authority and claiming their territory.

Q: Do geckos only come out at night?

Most geckos (Click here to see if you can handle House Geckos) are nocturnal. Meaning they are active in the night and usually hide in the day. The common house lizard is no exception to this and is definitely a nocturnal lizard.

It often hides in crevices, cupboards or many different areas (as discussed earlier).  So if you want to see one active you need to wait until night time.

Q: Are house geckos good pets to keep?

Yes, as a pet they can be fine. As long as you treat them well they are actually pretty good pets. Also ideal for beginners or children.

However, if you have children and you want to keep them around this lizard. Make sure that you supervise them.

Their tails are very sensitive and children have a habit of grabbing hold of things. This can provoke the lizard and make it feel uncomfortable. Obviously, if a lizard feels under threat it may even bite.

Q: How long can house geckos go without food?

They can go without food for at least 2 weeks, maybe even up to 3 weeks. However, this is largely based on the assumption that they have access to water.

If they did not have any food or water, they will not last that long. In fact, they won’t last that long at all. Because water is one of their most important needs.

Q: What smell do geckos hate?

They hate the smell of eggs. Use this as a deterrent. However, do not wash the eggs out because this will get rid of some of the smell which will repel the lizard. Instead, gently dry them off or wipe them down then put them around the house.

However, you need to understand that lizards do not like the smell of eggs, it is also quite unpleasant for us humans. So you have to make a decision if you’re willing to put up with the smell yourself.


Garlic Emits a certain enzyme which causes a smell which lizards do not like. If you want to repel the lizard it is a good idea to put some cloves of garlic around your house to repel them. Especially in areas where you know they hang out.

Alternatively, you could actually create a garlic juice spray and spray down some areas where they hang out.

Q: Do geckos go in water?

The Asian house lizard is known to be able to go in the water. In fact, it can move across the water at a pretty fast speed. When you look at it, it seems that is doing a half running-half swimming motion to keep itself Afloat.

The best Basilisk Lizard is another lizard which is good in the water. It Moves its feet at a rapid speed in the water which avoids it from sinking.

Q: Do House Stay Alive in Your house for long?

On average House lizards can live for five years this is based on their entire lifespan. Obviously, they will move around a lot. You should not expect them to live in your house for that long if you have them as an unwanted guest.


Hi, this is me with my daughter and my Lizard friend. I hope you enjoy my research. Please feel free to check out my "About Me" page to find out more about me.