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What It Means When Your Bearded Dragon Closes Its Eyes When You Pet It

Bearded dragons are a popular pet reptile due to their friendly demeanor and relatively low maintenance. However, as with any pet, owners may have questions about their behavior and what it means. One common behavior that bearded dragon owners may notice is their pet closing its eyes when being petted or held.

So, what does it mean when a bearded dragon closes its eyes during interaction with its owner? Some owners may assume that their pet is simply tired or relaxed, but there may be more to it than that. In fact, a bearded dragon closing its eyes while being petted can be a sign of trust and contentment. It may also indicate that the dragon feels safe and comfortable in its environment. However, there are other reasons why a bearded dragon may close its eyes, and it’s important for owners to understand these behaviors to ensure their pet’s health and happiness.

Understanding Bearded Dragon Behavior

Bearded dragons are fascinating creatures that can display a wide range of behaviors. Understanding their behavior can help owners provide the best care possible. Here are some important things to know about bearded dragon behavior.

Signs of Trust and Contentment

One of the most common behaviors that bearded dragons exhibit is closing their eyes when they are being petted. This is a sign that they are relaxed and comfortable with their owner. They may also puff up their beard and bask in the warmth of their owner’s hand. These are all signs of trust and contentment.

Another sign of trust is when a bearded dragon climbs onto their owner’s hand or arm without hesitation. This indicates that they feel safe and secure in their owner’s presence.

Stress Indicators in Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons can also display behaviors that indicate stress or discomfort. One common sign of stress is when they flatten their body against the ground or against a surface. This is a defensive posture that they use to protect themselves.

Another sign of stress is when they turn dark in color. This can indicate that they are feeling threatened or scared. Bearded dragons may also hiss or puff up their beard when they are feeling stressed.

It’s important for owners to be aware of these stress indicators and to take steps to reduce their bearded dragon’s stress levels. This can include providing a comfortable and secure environment, avoiding sudden movements or loud noises, and providing plenty of hiding places for the bearded dragon to retreat to if they feel threatened.

Overall, understanding bearded dragon behavior can help owners provide the best care possible for their pet. By recognizing signs of trust and contentment, as well as stress indicators, owners can ensure that their bearded dragon is happy and healthy.

Interpreting Eye-Closing in Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are known for their unique and fascinating behaviors, and one of them is the tendency to close their eyes when being petted. While this behavior may seem simple, it can convey a range of meanings depending on the context and the individual dragon.

Affectionate Response

One of the most common reasons why bearded dragons close their eyes when being petted is because they are feeling relaxed and content. This behavior is often seen in dragons that have formed a close bond with their owners, and it can be a sign of affection and trust. When a bearded dragon feels safe and comfortable in its environment, it may close its eyes as a way of showing that it is enjoying the interaction.

Discomfort and Irritation

On the other hand, bearded dragons may also close their eyes when they are feeling uncomfortable or annoyed. This behavior may be accompanied by other signs of stress, such as puffing up their bodies, flattening their ears, or hissing. When a bearded dragon is feeling irritated or threatened, it may close its eyes as a way of protecting them from potential harm.

Health-Related Causes

Finally, bearded dragons may also close their eyes due to health-related causes. For example, they may have an eye infection, injury, or other medical condition that is causing discomfort or pain. In such cases, the eye-closing behavior may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as discharge, swelling, or redness. If a bearded dragon is exhibiting this behavior persistently, it is important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

In conclusion, while bearded dragons may close their eyes for a variety of reasons, it is important to observe their behavior and context to determine the underlying cause. By understanding the different meanings behind this behavior, owners can better interpret their dragon’s needs and provide appropriate care and attention.

Proper Handling Techniques for Bearded Dragons

Approaching Your Bearded Dragon

When approaching your bearded dragon, it is important to do so slowly and calmly. Quick movements or loud noises can startle your pet and cause stress. It is also important to approach your bearded dragon from the front or side, as approaching from behind can be perceived as a threat.

Best Practices for Physical Interaction

When handling your bearded dragon, it is important to support its entire body. This can be achieved by placing one hand under the chest and the other hand under the hind legs. It is also important to avoid squeezing or pinching your bearded dragon, as this can cause discomfort and stress.

It is common for bearded dragons to close their eyes when being petted or handled. This behavior can indicate relaxation and contentment. However, if your bearded dragon closes its eyes and also flattens its body or puffs up its beard, it may be feeling threatened or uncomfortable.

By following these proper handling techniques, you can ensure a safe and comfortable interaction with your bearded dragon.

Creating a Comfortable Habitat

Bearded dragons are creatures that require a specific environment to thrive. A comfortable habitat is essential for their well-being. Here are some tips for creating an ideal habitat for your bearded dragon.

Optimal Lighting and Temperature

Bearded dragons need access to both UVA and UVB lighting to stay healthy. UVA lighting helps regulate their circadian rhythm, while UVB lighting is essential for the production of Vitamin D3. A basking spot with a temperature of 100-110°F (38-43°C) and a cool side of 75-85°F (24-29°C) should also be provided.

To achieve these temperatures, a heat lamp and a UVB bulb should be installed. The heat lamp should be placed on one side of the enclosure, while the UVB bulb should be placed on the other side. It is important to monitor the temperature and adjust the lighting accordingly.

Habitat Enrichment and Hideaways

Bearded dragons are active creatures and require a habitat that provides opportunities for exercise and mental stimulation. Adding plants, rocks, and branches can create a more natural environment for them to explore. It is important to ensure that any plants or objects added to the enclosure are not toxic to the bearded dragon.

Hideaways are also important for bearded dragons. They need a place to retreat and feel safe. Providing a hideaway can reduce stress and help them feel more comfortable in their environment. A hideaway can be created using a small cave or a hollow log.

In conclusion, creating a comfortable habitat for your bearded dragon is essential for their well-being. By providing optimal lighting and temperature, habitat enrichment, and hideaways, you can ensure that your bearded dragon is healthy and happy.


Hi, this is me with my daughter and my Lizard friend. I hope you enjoy my research. Please feel free to check out my "About Me" page to find out more about me.