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Should You Allow Lizards to Coexist in Your Home?

Many people encounter lizards in their homes and are unsure whether or not to let them stay. While some may find them fascinating and harmless, others may view them as pests that need to be removed immediately. So, should you let a lizard stay in your house? The answer is, it depends on the type of lizard and your personal preferences.

For the most part, lizards found in homes are harmless and can actually be beneficial as they eat insects and other pests. However, some lizards, such as the venomous Gila monster or the invasive brown anole, can pose a danger to humans and should be removed. Additionally, if you have a phobia or fear of lizards, it may be best to remove them from your home. Ultimately, the decision to let a lizard stay in your house should be based on your level of comfort and the potential risks associated with the specific species.

Understanding Lizards and Their Habits

Green Iguana Lizard.

Green Iguana Lizard.

Lizards are cold-blooded reptiles that are commonly found in homes. They are known for their scaly skin, long tails, and ability to move quickly. Understanding their habits is essential to deciding whether or not to let them stay in your house.

Lizard Species Commonly Found in Homes

The most common species of lizards found in homes are geckos, anoles, and skinks. Geckos are small and have suction cups on their feet, allowing them to climb walls and ceilings. Anoles are slightly larger and can change color to blend in with their surroundings. Skinks are the largest of the three and have shiny, smooth scales.

Lizard Behavior and Diet

Lizards are primarily active during the day and are often seen basking in the sun. They are also known to be territorial and will defend their space from other lizards. Lizards feed on insects, spiders, and other small animals. They are also known to eat fruits and vegetables.

It is important to note that while lizards can be beneficial in controlling insect populations, they can also carry diseases and parasites. Additionally, some species of lizards, such as the brown anole, are invasive and can cause harm to the native ecosystem.

Overall, the decision to let a lizard stay in your house should be based on your personal preferences and the specific species of lizard. If you do choose to let a lizard stay, it is important to provide them with a suitable habitat and to take necessary precautions to prevent the spread of disease.

Potential Risks and Benefits

Health Risks Associated with Lizards

While lizards are generally harmless to humans, there are a few health risks associated with having them in your house. One of the main concerns is the potential for salmonella infection. Lizards can carry salmonella bacteria, which can cause illness in humans if ingested or if the bacteria come into contact with open wounds. It’s important to wash your hands thoroughly after handling a lizard or anything it has come into contact with.

Another health risk associated with lizards is their feces. Lizards can leave droppings around your house, which can contain harmful bacteria and parasites. If you have a weakened immune system, it’s important to take extra precautions when cleaning up after your lizard.

Beneficial Aspects of Having a Lizard in the House

Despite the health risks associated with having a lizard in your house, there are also some potential benefits. For example, lizards can help control insect populations. They are natural predators of insects such as crickets, flies, and mosquitoes, which can be a nuisance in your home.

In addition, many people find lizards to be fascinating and entertaining pets. They are relatively low-maintenance and can be a great way to introduce children to the responsibilities of pet ownership.

Overall, the decision to let a lizard stay in your house should be based on your personal preferences and circumstances. While there are some health risks associated with having a lizard in your home, there are also potential benefits. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

Making the Decision

When it comes to letting a lizard stay in your house, there are a few things to consider before making a decision. This section will cover two important aspects of the decision-making process: assessing your comfort level and weighing the pros and cons.

Assessing Your Comfort Level

The first step in making a decision about whether to let a lizard stay in your house is to assess your comfort level with having a reptile as a housemate. Some people may find the idea of a lizard in their home unsettling or even frightening, while others may be perfectly comfortable with the idea.

If you are unsure about your comfort level, it may be helpful to do some research on lizards and their behavior. This can help you understand what to expect if you do decide to let a lizard stay in your house. Additionally, you may want to consider whether you have any allergies or health conditions that could be affected by living with a lizard.

Weighing Pros and Cons

Once you have assessed your comfort level, the next step is to weigh the pros and cons of letting a lizard stay in your house. Some potential benefits of having a lizard as a housemate include their ability to control pests like insects, their low-maintenance care requirements, and their unique and interesting appearance.

However, there are also some potential downsides to consider. Lizards can carry diseases and parasites, and their droppings can be messy and difficult to clean up. Additionally, some species of lizards can be aggressive or territorial, which can pose a risk to other pets or small children in the household.

Ultimately, the decision to let a lizard stay in your house will depend on your personal comfort level and the specific circumstances of your living situation. By assessing your comfort level and weighing the pros and cons, you can make an informed decision that is right for you.


Hi, this is me with my daughter and my Lizard friend. I hope you enjoy my research. Please feel free to check out my "About Me" page to find out more about me.