{"id":433,"date":"2018-11-12T19:11:10","date_gmt":"2018-11-12T19:11:10","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/reptilefollower.com\/?p=433"},"modified":"2019-05-06T16:19:24","modified_gmt":"2019-05-06T16:19:24","slug":"how-to-breed-leopard-geckos","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/reptilefollower.com\/how-to-breed-leopard-geckos\/","title":{"rendered":"How to Breed Leopard Geckos (Complete Guide with Videos)"},"content":{"rendered":"

Interested in breeding Leopard Geckos? Then you are in the right place, I will lay out how you get started with breeding. It will take some experience to perfect this, but with time and the correct knowledge you can master it. <\/p>\n

How do you breed Leopard Geckos? House and Pre-feed the Geckos mealworms and gut-loaded crickets, then Introduce the male to your female during breeding season, between January & September. This can sometimes lead to fights, especially if the female is young or not ready to be mated yet. It’s best to take this slowly and to stay close so you can prevent injuries to your pets.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Obviously this is quite a high level view of how this should be done. To get the detail, such as the best substrate for their eggs<\/a> and understand more about this, please read on.<\/p>\n

What Are Leopard Geckos?<\/h2>\n

Leopard geckos<\/a>, also called Leos, make excellent pets for beginner and expert reptile keepers alike. Easy to handle due to their docile nature and with simple maintenance requirements, leopard geckos are an undemanding and colorful addition to any reptile-loving household.<\/p>\n

These sweet-natured and playful lizards are even calm enough to be handled by supervised children. Because of all their positive traits, many Leo owners quickly become interested in breeding them.<\/p>\n

It’s no secret that successfully breeding reptiles can be a challenge, but this simply isn’t true for leopard geckos. Sometimes, if conditions are just right, they may even surprise you with fertile eggs without your help!<\/p>\n

Even though it’s easy to breed them, it’s best to be fully prepared so your hatchlings have the best possible start and the parents remain healthy and vibrant throughout the process. Below, we’ll discuss everything you need to know to start your new adventure as a responsible leopard gecko breeder.<\/p>\n

Why would you want to breed a Leopard Gecko?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Leopard geckos are popular pets for all types of people because of their simple needs and unique, human-like characteristics. Unlike most lizards, they can blink their eyelids and they seem to truly enjoy the company of people. <\/p>\n

Often called a “starter reptile” they are arguably the easiest lizard to keep. Leos even come in a wide array of beautiful colors and patterns to match almost any taste.<\/p>\n

And frankly, who can resist those adorable smiles? Families are especially fond of leopard geckos because of their long lifespans. Nobody wants to tell a child their beloved pet has passed away, so choosing one that can live as long as twenty years is a huge bonus.<\/p>\n

Being low-maintenance pets means that their breeding needs are much easier to meet than other reptiles, and your costs will be minimal in comparison. <\/p>\n

Most importantly, with looser requirements, you have a higher chance of healthy hatchlings. That means happy clients, more profits, and a great reputation for you.<\/p>\n

Of course, who says you have to sell your baby geckos? There are plenty of people who breed and raise them as a hobby or as a science lesson for their kids. If you have enough space, plenty of food for your geckos, and the time to care for them all, it could be fun to have a whole room full of them.<\/p>\n

What is the ideal time of year to breed them?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

You can attempt to artificially initiate breeding behaviors in your Leos if you have the time and are dedicated to it. However, you may increase your chances of a successful hatch\u2014and reduce your efforts and intervention\u2014if you follow their natural breeding timeline and habits.<\/p>\n

Thankfully, leopard geckos have a lengthy breeding season, which gives you plenty of time and many chances to see babies. <\/p>\n

In the northern hemisphere, adults are usually ready to breed starting around January and going through September. However, some females may begin ovulating much later.<\/p>\n

Ovulation depends on many factors, but the time of year they hatched has a big impact. Early hatchers may ovulate sooner and later hatchers can ovulate later in the season.<\/p>\n

The natural start of the leopard gecko breeding season is easy to spot. When it’s time, you may notice some new behaviors and changes in eating habits. If your adult male gecko suddenly refuses to eat or exhibits other odd feeding habits, it’s likely due to entering the breeding season.<\/p>\n

Some even refuse to eat through the entire process, but this is completely normal. Females will often demand more food and seem ravenous at feeding times\u2014this is also normal. <\/p>\n

What is the ideal housing for their breeding?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

While leopard geckos are simple to breed and may decide to do it without your help, you can increase the odds of success by providing an ideal breeding environment.<\/p>\n

Home breeders often set up breeding enclosures<\/a> that are still visually appealing to humans. Professional breeders, however, may choose a more utilitarian method like the one in this video. <\/p>\n

The most important aspect of a successful breeding environment is access to a moist hide box filled with damp bedding. Any clear plastic container works as long as it’s at least 12 inches tall and has an access hole cut into the top or side.<\/p>\n

Some breeders prefer peat or sphagnum moss inside the hide box, while others swear by vermiculite. Avoid sand, though, as this can cause a life-threatening impaction. <\/p>\n

Leopard geckos aren’t picky, so choose something appealing within your budget. The main consideration for the hide box substrate is that it is damp but not wet enough that water can be squeezed out.<\/p>\n

The damp substrate and enclosed space will keep the eggs moist until you can move them to an incubation box.<\/p>\n

The final consideration for breeding housing is space. If you have multiple females living in the same enclosure, be sure to have several large hide boxes to prevent overcrowding and aggression.<\/p>\n

What is the ideal size to consider breeding?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

We know it’s exciting to think about breeding your leopard geckos right away, but for their safety, it’s imperative to be sure they are the right age and weight before you begin.<\/p>\n

This is especially important for the females; breeding a young female can be hazardous to her health. <\/p>\n

Females generally reach sexual maturity around nine or ten months of age and a weight of 45 grams. That doesn’t mean you should jump into breeding as soon as they meet those markers.<\/p>\n

Egg production is taxing on the female’s body; leopard gecko eggs are large and can be difficult for very young females to lay. Some experts suggest waiting until your females are at least two years old and in perfect health.<\/p>\n

What food should you feed them?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

It may be tempting to give your Leos fruits or vegetables to add variety to their diets, but they won’t eat them. They are strict insectivores; their diet includes live insects such as mealworms and gut-loaded crickets.<\/p>\n

Mature Leos don’t need to eat every day. A hearty meal four or five times a week will keep them happy and healthy. They do enjoy the occasional treat of waxworms and superworms, but limit those to once a week.<\/p>\n

For maximum health, dust their food with vitamin and mineral powder. You can also leave a small dish of calcium and vitamin D3 powder in the enclosure<\/a> to let them choose how much to consume.<\/p>\n

Water is vital to your geckos’ health. Always leave a shallow dish of clean water in their enclosures. To keep live crickets from drowning in the water and creating a bacterial mess, place a large rock in the center of the dish.<\/p>\n

Size matters! Be sure you feed the right size of insects to prevent injuries. Insects should be no longer than half the width of your Leo’s head.<\/p>\n

Just before the breeding season begins, pay close attention to your female leopard gecko’s diet. She is going to need some extra help from you to be sure she’s getting enough nutrients during this demanding time.<\/p>\n

Breeding season is not the time to worry about females gaining too much weight. They’ll need extra food, increased calcium, and extra vitamin D3 to stay in top shape throughout the breeding season.<\/p>\n

Leaving a small tray of live mealworms dusted with vitamin powder in her enclosure will help ensure she’s getting enough food and proper nutrients to lay viable eggs.<\/p>\n

How do you introduce the male?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

If you’ve decided to keep your male Leo in a separate enclosure<\/a> most of the year, you’ll need to introduce him to your female during breeding season.<\/p>\n

This can sometimes lead to fights, especially if the female is young or not ready to be mated yet. It’s best to take this slowly and to stay close so you can prevent injuries to your pets. <\/p>\n

Some breeders with larger populations prefer to move a single male between groups of three or four females. Others prefer to put one to four females into the male’s enclosure.<\/p>\n

It’s up to you how you’d like to handle this, so consider the temperaments of each of your Geckos and stay close to observe their behaviors.<\/p>\n

It’s important to note that leopard gecko mating<\/a> behavior can appear violent. There will be nipping, biting, and perhaps some tail whipping. Don’t worry; these are normal behaviors.<\/p>\n

It’s still a good idea to watch for overly-aggressive reactions. Females are likely to be more receptive to meeting a new male if they are already ovulating.<\/p>\n

In this video you can see a single female being introduced to a male in his enclosure. About halfway through you can hear the male begin to vibrate his tail inside the hide box, which is a great sign for breeding.<\/p>\n

What is the “Harem” breeding method?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Harem breeding is a term that means one male Leo is matched to multiple females. As we mentioned above, some breeders will house many female leopard geckos together in one enclosure<\/a>, then introduce the male. You can also let a male and multiple female Leos live together year-round if they get along well. <\/p>\n

While you can certainly pair off one male and one female successfully if they have the right temperaments, Leos are naturally harem breeders. As a pair, the female can quickly become worn out and overbred, while the male can become frustrated and aggressive. In either case, health can suffer and that will trickle down to their offspring.<\/p>\n

Even in a more natural harem breeding situation, there can be complications. Females can live together with few issues for most of the year, but during breeding season they may become competitive.<\/p>\n

In some harems, you may notice one or two females quickly losing weight or becoming less active due to competition from the other females.<\/p>\n

How long does it usually take to see some eggs?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

It can be hard to wait for your first clutch of leopard gecko eggs, but patience is a must. After a successful mating, it can take anywhere from sixteen to twenty-two days for a female to lay her eggs.<\/p>\n

The process itself can take a week or more. If you plan to breed your leopard geckos, you must be willing to set aside time every day to look for the eggs. <\/p>\n

There are a few clear signs your females are about to lay eggs, so keep a close eye on them. Signs to look for include:<\/p>\n